It is a serious waste to let a day go by without allowing God to change us.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I found an interesting quote from Thomas A Kempis that intrigues me. He says, "Fire tests iron; temptation tests an honest person. Sometimes we don't know what we can do until temptation should us what we are."

This quote got me to thinking about the adult SS class I am teaching in the church I serve. We talked last Sunday about Proverbs 7 and being naive. I believe that all of us are naive in a way, and all of us are vulnerable to being tempted. So, how do we learn prudence without being cynical and believing no one? How can I foster the sense of prudence in myself? How can I learn to really listen to others so that I might be more prudent?

In my life, what area does God call me to be more prudent in? From this quote, it seems that it is really helpful at times TO be tempted, because temptation tests us and then we learn how strong we are?

How am I tempted and how might God strengthen me through temptation?

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